Thursday, 31 October 2013

Clarification on this blog

So here's the deal with this blog - for our work on our project, our advisors want us each to write individual reflections for the days we do major work.  We can do this in any format we want, they want us to be creative.  From these individual reflections, each team will post one scene per event on our project website, which is available here.

This is the new version of the project centre website.

Since I've been in the mood to write this blog lately, I've been writing my reflections as if I'm writing to you - my audience at home.  So I'm hoping to continue to post my personal reflections to this blog.  It may get more technical about our project than you need to know, and for that I'm sorry, but I'm not forcing you to read this.  The project website (linked above) will have our reflections compiled into scenes that provide everyone's perspective, so that this doesn't happen

Make sense?  By the way, if you've been wondering about the spelling, for our published writing we are supposed to use South African spelling - that means using an 's' instead of a 'z' and spelling words like "centre" the British way.  I've just gotten in the habit of doing it.  Hope you don't find it confuzing!

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