So on Thursday we arrived in Langrug with our poster and two thick documents few of them would be able to read. Having Sizwe and Olwethu there to translate was such a blessing. CORC had been closed since the 13th for the holiday, and both Sizwe and Olwethu had plans to go to Eastern Cape for Christmas. Yet because of Olwethu's car trouble and Sizwe's generosity to postpone his plans for us, the were there on unpaid time. Some of the community leaders speak good enough English to translate our words to Xhosa, but with the CORC guys there we were guaranteed that the meaning behind our words would be fully communicated.

We first introduced Stephen from TTEL, who showed them pictures of his past work while we waited for everyone to arrive. Then we unveiled the poster, with plenty of pictures that everyone could understand. Finally, we explained our documents and gave them a simplified list of the improvements that we had collectively agreed upon could be implemented at the current facility. We reminded them that it was up to them to make the changes that they wanted to, and that WPI's grant would be helping them financially through CORC.
The people were smiling, and seemed pleased with what we were saying. Sizwe, never afraid to ask difficult questions, asked them what had changed from when they wanted to see something physically built. A sweet old man named Washington Boise with whom we've gotten particularly close, spoke up and said (in Xhosa) that they understand the complexity of the project, and are pleased with the people we have introduced to them to carry on our work. He also said that 2 months ago, they didn't know that toilets in the neighborhood of Zwelitsha would be possible, and we have shown them that it is, and they are willing to wait for us to finish the plans.
As the discussion drew to a close, I ended the meeting by saying,
"We just want to thank you for welcoming us into your home here. I think I speak for my team when I say that in the past two months we have learned more from you than we could from any book or class. We hope the journey has been rewarding for you as well. And so, from the bottom of our hearts, En kosi kakhulu"
This drew a round of applause and a few tears, after which Washington replied "You are a very good speaker and took the words out of my mouth".
During A Term, the students of the project centre had arranged to have Tshirts made for ourselves. While in Africa, we had the design replicated at a local t shirt place to give Tshirts to those we worked with. We gave the Tshirts out along with certificates stating their contribution to our efforts. Though not much, these certificates may help some of them get jobs in the future.
Our advisors then paid for lunch for everyone at Batho's Place, the restaurant down the road where we had met with David about public health training. He served chicken cauliflower and mixed vegetables this time, and it was delicious. As we finished eating David put on some music, and people started dancing. Though they call it something different, we did a line dance that's basically the electric slide. I remember learning that dance in middle school, and had no idea it would help me bond with people on a different continent.

And then it was time to go. We said tearful farewells, and drove away from the WaSH facility for the last time. Once we got to the main road, I turned around and caught one last glimpse of Langrug. The zinc roofs of Zwelitsha, the neighborhood on the hill with no toilets (yet) gleamed in the afternoon sun. It's hard to describe the beauty of an informal settlement to those who have not seen one. Shacks are turned into homes where a community forms. Humans surviving on less than they need, yet still surviving as we return to our lives in America, our busy daily lives unaffected by their meager living conditions.
We rounded a bend in the road and they were gone.
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