Sunday, 12 January 2014

WaSH Team Presents 14 Weeks in 5 minutes 19/12

In order to fulfill the degree requirement for our IQP (Interactive Qualifying Project), we have to write an executive summary, present our work to our advisors and sponsors, and post our work to the project centre website.  For most teams, these were the last tasks in the final writing week.  Unfortunately, our team had two major documents to finish writing as part of our project (as previously mentioned in my last blog post).  Our advisors told us to focus on these, since our new partners were relying on them to start their work in the New Year.  They said that the executive summary and website would fall into place, with much of the material able to be copied from our work.

On Tuesday we held presentations in a community hall nearby.  This consisted of a 5 minute presentation by each team to the other teams, our advisors, and everyones sponsors who was able to come.  This was followed by poster presentations, where each team got a table to talk about our work with anyone interested, using a poster and in our case, hard copies of our deliverables as visual aids.  The presentation went fairly well, though we could have been more practiced if we had not been focusing on finishing our deliverables for the poster portion.  

Finally on Tuesday night, we began working on our executive summary and website, which most teams had been doing since the weekend.  It would be a major push and several late nights to get everything finished. 

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